St. Croix/St. Thomas Cancer Specialists
Medical Oncologist – Dr. Ellie DelGiacco
Medical Oncologist – Dr. Erole Hobdy, St.Thomas
St. Thomas Cancer Specialists and St. Croix Cancer Specialists are medical oncology practices serving the Virgin Islands. Their team includes a board certified Medical Oncology, Hematology, and Internal Medicine Physicians working together with oncology certified Nurse Practitioners, Oncology certified Registered Nurses and in-house phlebotomy/lab services.
St. Croix Cancer Specialists
6048 Estate Castle Coakley
Christiansted, VI 00820
St. Croix Phone 340.772.1551
St. Croix Fax 340.772.1555
St. Thomas Cancer Specialists
VI Medical Foundation Building, suite 203
9150 Estate Thomas, St Thomas VI 00802
St. Thomas Phone 340.776.1551
St. Thomas Fax 340.776.1552